Monday, June 23, 2014

Random Beginner Vapeing Trivia

Wow, has it been a while since I posted! It was not intentional, I had perhaps the worst reaction to Poison Ivy that I have ever had, and though I tried several times to sit down and write a post, I just couldn't concentrate on it. I'm almost back to 100% though; no more fever and no more exhaustion from constantly dosing myself with Benadryl! 

Amazingly, even with all of my misery, I have been able to stick to my plan and am now smoke-free! I have not smoked a cigarette in over a week now, since about 8:00 the morning of Saturday, June 14th!! There have definitely been moments that were harder then others, like that first Monday when I found myself searching through the car hoping I dropped a cigarette or forget one that I clipped (luckily my car was cigarette free), but I've made it through! Of course even just writing about a cigarette I now have a craving, but I know that it will pass.

Since I have taken my little blogging hiatus, I have decided that it might be a good idea to explain some of the things that I have learned, some through trial and error. They are as follows: 

Atomizers/Clearomizers don't last forever!
This was not something that I had ever took into consideration and I'm not really sure why, but I believe that I have reached the end of my first, and then my second, clearomizer.  I got the same burnt taste from the first that I used to use to signal myself that the cartridge needed to be changed on my Eonsomke e-cigs. I got the taste once or twice one day but it quickly went away. The next day, every pull I took gave the taste. The second clearomizer occasionally gives a burnt taste, but not always. I stopped using it all the same. I believe there are several methods to clean these and I may try to clean them using one of these ways at some point to see if I can get some life back into them. I'll let you know of my results when I do. Needless to say though, I now carry an extra clearomizer with me everywhere just in case.

Sometimes the tank just leaks!
I purchased an eGo-T battery with a ce4 tank on eBay.  The kit was generic, not being branded with a name.  I figured I may be taking a risk, but it was very reasonably priced so it was worth a try.  It worked well, but right away I noticed that I was going through e-juice much more quickly then with my Eternity pen. At first I chocked it up to being from the wicks. They were much longer then I was used to as the ce4 is a much different set up with longer wicks. I thought they just sucked the liquid up and that was where it went. Until, that is, I noticed it coming down the sides of the battery.  I screwed the tank off and noticed that liquid had pooled into the hole where it screws on. Thinking I had perhaps filled it wrong, I emptied the tank and let it sit for a week, occasionally blowing in both ends to clear any remaining liquid out. (I figured if I had gotten liquid in the wrong place, more would follow the same path.). Once I stopped hearing liquid move around and deemed it dry, I filled it again with the same results. I suppose there are just some bad ones in a batch.  Even my Eonsmoke tanks start to leak just a tiny bit after some use. I just wipe the tip of the battery off and ignore it.

It is illegal to vape indoors in NJ
I stumbled onto this one while searching the web and hadn't heard of it before, even though the law has been on the books for 4 years. Governor Christie added electronic cigarettes to the anti-smoking laws in the state, leaving vapers only able to vape in certain indoor places (like casinos or stores designated as e-cig stores).  This is hardly enforceable, however, as stealth vaping is so easily pulled off (my favorite place is the movie theatre...or any bathroom).

Different liquids have different throat hits
One of the ingredients in e-juice effects how harshly the vapor hits your throat. I have seen two different ingredients listed as doing so, PG and Nicotiene. I have seen more reference to it being the nicotine content, so I am leaning towards that. I think that the amount of PG effects vapor production. I have to do more reading and playing around with different juices to be sure.

I'm just as sure that this is a small sample of what I have really learnt as I am that it is just a small parcel of what there is to learn. As I continue my journey in the world of vapeing I am sure I will have lots more that I will be eager to share!

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